Rego Examples II

Cloud Journey
3 min readOct 26, 2022


NC Fall 2022


We will walkthrough following rego examples.

  • User-Defined Function
  • Built-in Function
  • Negation

The built-in functions for the language provide basic operations to manipulate scalar values (e.g. numbers and strings), and aggregate functions that summarize complex types.

Rego supports user-defined functions that can be called with the same semantics as Built-in Functions. They have access to both the the data Document and the input Document.

Function Example

This rule checks if the input url matches the required pattern.

package policy.role
import future.keywords.if
allow := myresult if {
#url patterns
myUrls := ["",""]
myresult := "tested successfully"
# user-defined function
inAllowedList(myUrls):=true if{
#built-in function
(glob.match(myUrls[i], [], input.mysite.path))


{"path": ""}


"allow": "tested successfully"

I will test the policy rules from Styra DAS. You may get Styra DAS for training from Styra Academy.

Click “preview” to query the document.


{“path”: “”}

Output: undefined

The policy still works with following syntax,

  • Omit if
  • Use equal sign instead of assignment (:=) in rule head (allow = myresult)
allow = myresult  {
myUrls := ["",""]
myresult := "tested successfully"
inAllowedList(myUrls)=true {
(glob.match(myUrls[i], [], input.mysite.path))

Negation Example1

For safety, a variable appearing in a negated expression must also appear in another non-negated equality expression in the rule.

Following rule is rejected by OPA, since the variable greeting only appears in a negated expression.

Once we add the non-negated equality expression, it works.

Negation Example2

p[_]!=”foo” meaning at least one value from the set which is not “foo”

In order to check the set does not contain value “foo”, we can use not operator.

(Note: for a rule, when no assignment value is provided the assignment value of boolean true is implicitly assumed.)

package policy.role
import future.keywords.if
import future.keywords.contains
p := ["line1", "line2", "line3", "foo"]contains_foo {
p[_] == "foo"
default not_contains_foo := false
not_contains_foo {
not contains_foo
contains_non_foo_value {
p[_] != "foo"

Negation Example 3

This example is similar to last one. Instead of working on a set vaiable, we put list of name to rule “myrule”.

package playimport future.keywords.if
import future.keywords.contains
sites := [
{"name": "prod"},
{"name": "smoke1"},
{"name": "dev"}]
myrule contains name if {
some site in sites
name :=
# this rule is true
contains_prod {
# this rule is true
contains_non_prod {
myrule[_] != "prod"
default not_contains_prod := false
# this rule is false
not_contains_prod {
not myrule["prod"]
# this rule is true
not_contains_foo {
not myrule["foo"]

“RBAC with Rego

package play

import future.keywords.contains
import future.keywords.if

default allow := false

user_permissions contains permission if {
some role in input.user.roles
some permission in data.permissions[role]

required_permissions contains permission if {
some permission in data.resources[input.request.path].required_permissions

allow if object.subset(user_permissions, required_permissions)

The Rego Playground (
“logical and/or through incremental rules open policy agent — Using OR condition in OPA rego — Stack Overflow
“recursive error: Profiling rego — rule reevaluation when returning data from it · open-policy-agent · Discussion #381 (



Cloud Journey
Cloud Journey

Written by Cloud Journey

All blogs are strictly personal and do not reflect the views of my employer.

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